Silicon Valley Experience, Startups and Corrporations
Startups and Corporate Innovation - Silicon Valley and LatAm
Oseas Ramírez Assad is an accomplished serial entrepreneur and intrapreneur with a 20-year track record of spearheading innovation at startups and within large enterprises.
Passionate about the intersection of cutting edge technology, human development and entrepreneurship Oseas sits at the board of the startups he co-founded, advises large corporations internationally on innovation topics and is a public speaker.
At Cisco Systems, he led three major initiatives: the development of the company’s top 2% talent worldwide (focusing on Sr Managers), the creation of a program to bring startup innovation best practices into the corporation, and finally the creation of the co-innovation strategy for Cisco’s worldwide network of innovation centers.
As an entrepreneur he has founded weknow, Mexico’s leading e-learning provider; Wawa, a digital agency and Enerpanda, a solar energy company.